API requests for seamless authorization

Every broker can make a seamless authorization between Trader’s room and investment platform so their clients will not need to see that page anymore.


Users will be redirected from TR straigth forward to dashboard page inside of investment area.

How to make a seamless authorization

Step 1: Make a la.auth Request to Backend Server

TR should make a POST request to a backend with a URL that looks like: vitrina.pamm-backend.flexdns.cc:49182/dx


la_login: 432450857 la_type: 0 lbl: 1 ManagerPass: "QwMkfeAL1B" ManagerName: "John Doe"



la_login = wa_login = payment account of user; are same and must exist in MT and be available for MT managers that are connecting the platform to MT.

Step 2: Add Token to the Link

In response you will get an access token. You need to redirect user to URL of your investment section and add it to the end: http://Invest.Brokerdomain.com/#/auth?token=

So the link will look like:


Step 3: Redirect User to that Link Above

TEST Credentials




la_login: 432450857 la_type: 0 lbl: 1 ManagerPass: "QwMkfeAL1B"



Add Token to URL:


Redirect user to a specific language version

To redirect user to a specific language version please add to a link language tags to make it like:


Supported Languages

  • ch

  • cn

  • de

  • en

  • es

  • ja

  • ko

  • pt

  • ru